
Welcome from the Principal

Dear Dora Moore Families, 

My name is Abe Janson and I am so excited to introduce myself as the new principal of Dora Moore! I have had the privilege to serve the students and families of Denver Public Schools for the past 11 years as a 2nd grade teacher, 5th grade teacher, assistant principal, and principal resident. I am now honored to step into the role of principal at Dora Moore! I am humbled to lead such a historic and diverse school.

A little bit about me–I am married to my lovely wife Emily, and we have two little girls Peyton and Hattie, a large golden retriever named Red, and four chickens. I grew up in the great state of Michigan, attended school in Indiana, and moved to Colorado in 2010. I graduated with a bachelor’s degree in elementary and intermediate education from Huntington University and I attended the University of Denver to participate in the Ritchie/ELSS principal residency program where I earned my principal license and also completed my master’s degree in educational leadership and policy. I hold a Colorado professional principal license and Colorado professional teaching licenses in both elementary education and secondary social studies education.

As the new leader of Dora Moore, I have three priorities over the course of the spring leading towards the start of the 2022 school year:

  1. To retain all currently enrolled families and to increase Dora Moore’s student body. These enrollment efforts will provide Dora Moore’s students with access to diverse and equitable resources that fully enrolled schools are able to fund.
  2. Through community voice, consensus, and coalition–identify and create Dora Moore’s new, proprietary vision and mission.
  3. Solidify systems to ensure Dora Moore remains a safe, welcoming, and productive school that works for all children, not just most children. 

I am so thankful to join this wonderful community. I look forward to getting to know each student at Dora Moore. We are building a school that works for all students, not just most students.

Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions you may have or to make an introduction!

Abe Janson, Principal

Mission and Values

The Dora Moore staff, students, and community members are currently undergoing a process to re-vision the new Dora Moore. Check back soon for Dora Moore’s new vision and values!

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Anti-Discrimination, Anti-Racism, and Protected Class Policy Statement

The Dora Moore School is committed to acknowledging, addressing, and eradicating all forms of discrimination, hate, and marginalization in our school and our community at-large. This includes discrimination against any protected class such as ethnicity, citizenship, sexual-orientation, sex, gender, disability, age, race, color, gender identity, or religion. 

Any form of discrimination or harassment related to any protected class will not be tolerated.

We Stand Committed:

  1. To protect all students’ ability to thrive in an environment in which they are emotionally and physically safe.
  2. To affirm our identity as an anti-discrimination and anti-racist school community.
  3. To implement initiatives, strategies and best-practices that will help dismantle racism, ableism, and discrimination in our community.
Family Handbook

Construction began on Corona School (later renamed Dora Moore School) in 1889. At that time, the population of Denver was 125,481. It cost $3,000 for the land at 9th Avenue and Corona Street. Robert S. Roeschlaub designed Corona School, as well as 28 other schools for the Denver Public Schools. The contract price was $71,000.

The school was supposed to open in January of 1890, but did not until the autumn of that year. The Denver Times reported that the total seating capacity was 700.

“Each classroom has a capacity of 60 students. The girls and boys each have a large lunchroom in the basement furnished with tables and benches. There are also four large rooms in which the janitor lives with his family.”

Many famous people have gone to Dora Moore School. Former Denver Mayors Quigg Newton and William H. McNichols attended Dora Moore together in the early 1920’s. Other famous alumni are Douglas Fairbanks, Sr., the big band leader Paul Whiteman, comedian Tim Allen, and Mamie Doud Eisenhower.

Dora Moore building


  • 1892: Ms. Dora M. Moore first taught at the Corona School. In September of the following year, she was named principal of the school. She was principal for 35 years. She lived at 1031 Emerson. Due to an injury, she retired in 1929. On September 2, 1929, the school was renamed Dora Moore in honor of her 37 years of service. She died at home on March 25, 1938, at the age of 83.
  • 1897: An art league was formed. Over the next 28 years more than $6,000 was raised and expended at the school. A class graduating around 1920 donated the oak organ that now rests in the grand central hall.
  • 1903: A group of mothers presented Ms. Moore with funds for a European vacation.
  • 1907: A system of student government was instituted.
  • 1909: A building permit was issued for an addition to Corona School. David W. Dryden designed this addition, as well as other DPS buildings. It was built at a cost of around $60,000.
  • 1921: The 7th and 8th graders moved to the newly opened Morey Junior High.
  • 1931: Seven lots adjacent to the school were brought for $40,000 to be used for the playground. The school now occupied the whole block, except for two houses. Enrollment was 1,159 students.
  • 1950: In the 1950’s the lunchroom and kitchen facilities were built in the basement. After that construction, the janitor no longer lived in the basement.
  • 1974: On October 14, 1974, the Student Council began a process that led to Dora Moore being designated a city landmark. This led to a renovation/remodeling project that was finished in 1978 at a cost of over $600,000.
  • 1991: In 1991, a bond issue election resulted in the addition of a new gymnasium, a connector building, remodeling of the cafeteria, and improvements in many classrooms. It was part of three projects that improved the school and grounds making it the showplace of Capitol Hill. These three projects were-the additions to and remodeling of the school, the 9th Ave. streetscape project, and turning the playground into a neighborhood park. Over $3,000,000 was spent on these projects.
  • 1995: In the summer of 1995 with the help of a grant from the State Historical Society, the stained glass windows on the north side of the 1889 building were restored.
  • 2003: In the late summer of 2003, the exterior of the building was stabilized and restored at a cost of nearly $1.8 million. An additional $200,000 from the State Historical Society was added. Nearly 12,000 bricks were replaced with vintage bricks. Man-made stones were cast to match in color, texture, and aging to replace stones that needed to be replaced. Stained glass windows were restored on the west, south, and east side of the Roeschlaub building. All of the windows in both buildings were restored.
Our Team
Photo Name Title Department Email
Chris Atkinson PE Elementary Teachers, Middle School Teachers christopher_atkinson@dpsk12.net
Casey Callan 1st Grade Elementary Teachers kathryn_callan1@dpsk12.net
Sarah Cherabie School Psychologist School Support sarah_cherabie@dpsk12.net
Michelle Chouris 1st Grade Elementary Teachers Michelle_Chouris@dpsk12.net
DM icon Brian Dardis 7th & 8th Grade Math and Science Middle School Teachers brian_dardis@dpsk12.net
Janette Diaz 1:1 Para Paraprofessionals janette_diaz@dpsk12.net
Stefano Espinoza 1:1 Para Paraprofessionals stefano_espinoza@dpsk12.net
Amalia Garcia Cafeteria Manager School Support amalia_garcia@dpsk12.net
DM icon Courtney Godbolt Kindergarten Paraprofessional Elementary Teachers Jane_Godbolt@dpsk12.net
Sasha Gonzalez Health Tech Nurse School Support sasha_gonzalez@dpsk12.net
DM icon Bianka Grijalva Secretary School Support bianka_grijalva@dpsk12.net
Cayley Hundt Mild Moderate Special Education Elementary Teachers, Middle School Teachers cayley_hundt@dpsk12.net
Abe Janson Principal School Leadership Abram_Janson@dpsk12.net
Lexi Kelly ECE Elementary Teachers alexandria_kelly@dpsk12.net
DM icon Lexi Kenyherz 3rd Grade Elementary Teachers Lexi_kenyherz@dpsk12.net
Josh Konz Social Worker School Support joshua_konz@dpsk12.net
Michelle Kravets 4th & 5th Grade Science & Social Studies Elementary Teachers michelle_kravets@dpsk12.net
DM icon Lila Levison ECE Elementary Teachers Lila_Levison@dpsk12.net
Peter Lomba 3rd Grade Math & Science Elementary Teachers peter_lomba@dpsk12.net
Michael Lovett English Language Development & Senior Team Lead Elementary Teachers, School Leadership michael_lovett@dpsk12.net
Madelyn Lybeck 2nd Grade Elementary Teachers madelyn_lybeck@dpsk12.net
Morgan Mendez 7th & 8th Grade Literacy and Social Studies Middle School Teachers morgan_mendez@dpsk12.net
Annemarie Minor Reading Interventionist & Senior Team Lead Elementary Teachers, School Leadership annemarie_minor@dpsk12.net
Laron Morrison Facility Manager School Support laron_morrison@dpsk12.net
Kelsey Muellner GT Elementary Teachers kelsey_muellner@dpsk12.net
Sarah Murowski 2nd Grade Elementary Teachers sarah_murowski@dpsk12.net
Paci Ndayishimye 1:1 Para Paraprofessionals p_ndayishimye@dpsk12.net
Byron Norris Crew Lead Custodian School Support
Kat Onken ECE Para Paraprofessionals
Kat Onken 1:1 Para Paraprofessionals kathy_onken@dpsk12.net
Carol Ortega ECE Para Paraprofessionals carol_ortega@dpsk12.net
DM icon Heather Ott Kindergarten Elementary Teachers heather_ott@dpsk12.net
Jataun Pye Discovery Link Program Supervisor School Support jataun_pye1@dpsk12.net
Megan Randall 4th & 5th Literacy Elementary Teachers megan_randall@dpsk12.net
Pam Regensberg 1:1 Para Paraprofessionals pamela_regensberg@dpsk12.net
Teresa Rios-Rodriguez General Para Paraprofessionals t_rios-rodriguez@dpsk12.net
DM icon Lacey Robertus Mild Moderate Special Education School Support lacey_robertus@dpsk12.net
Desiree Samler 1:1 Para Paraprofessionals desiree_samler@dpsk12.net
Ellie Schafer Kindergarten Elementary Teachers ellie_schafer@dpsk12.net
Hallie Summer (Scanlon) 4th & 5th Grade Math Elementary Teachers hallie_scanlon@dpsk12.net
Jillian Watson Assistant Principal School Leadership jillian_watson@dpsk12.org
DM icon Will Williams Senior Team Lead, Middle School Science, STEM School Support, School Leadership Will_Williams@dpsk12.net